I have learnt that only by acting we learn what we really want just as much as we learn what we do not want. As a lifelong learner I am exploring some of the concepts, which help me take meaningful and deliberate actions now. Here are two ideas, which dance well together. And like with ying and yang, the presence of one elicits the existence of the other: Simplicity and Focus.
Living in a slow motion, deliberately, as I like to call it, or on purpose, is not the most obvious choice of life, but it certainly is the most rewarding. And with the right tools and realisations, it is possible.
If you'd like to bring some order and structure to your thinking, bring forth what you desire, elevate your true values and purpose to the forefront of your existence, become clear on your priorities, say ‘no’ to time wasters and become unstoppable in achieving what you truly desire, then this post and upcoming workshop on Deliberate Planning is for you.
Did you know that an average person changes their career 5 to 7 times in their lifetime? If you feel stagnant, uninspired or demotivated in your current job, there are a number of things you can do to enhance your career. Check out the strategies here.
Here are the steps to achieving authenticity, flow and abundance and the ultimate state of fulfilment in personal life and as a leader.
What are the three things which consume our energy? And what's the one solution? Find out here.
The more energy I have and the more optimistic outlook on things, the easier it is for me to overcome challenges. So what’s the trick? Let me walk you through the three stages of raising, sustaining and then protecting your energy.
I have carried my inner pain for years not knowing what it was, only feeling inadequate, incomplete and like a fraud. It has taken a long time to start feeling enough. And what was required was to bring forth what lied within me…. All of it - the good with the bad. And embrace it.
Everyone regardless of the stage of their development is able to try to shift their attention away from worry and anxiety caused by constantly needing recognition, love, sense of belonging, feeling worthy (any of the basic needs) and towards empowerment achieved only by giving more to others...
You cannot possibly attend to everything that grabs your attention. At least, not all at once. You can gradually get there by prioritising on what has to be attended to first, second…last.
This three-part series is going to present specific solutions on how you can achieve everything that you want by making certain changes to the way you perceive and think of yourself and your world.
The changes will make fundamental difference to the way you manage yourself, your time, how you spend your energy, communicate and relate to others.
There isn’t one easy solution other than to say that unless we learn to fulfil our basic needs in a sustainable and not only momentary way, not only will we not be empathic and understanding enough to build true connections with others, we will actually also never be truly happy.
We don't fear the failure or success itself. We fear what MEANING we attach to that thing we want to achieve.
The less punishment there is associated with not listening and the smaller the risk of not paying attention, the more likely it is that it will be your voice not heard.
By developing a deeper understanding of yourself as well as through regular habits such as mindful presence can you strengthen your resilience muscle.
I am sure that you have things, which you wish you devoted more time and energy to, if only you had it, true? You probably wish you could do things that make you feel more fulfilled and your life more meaningful? Here is the list of 6 Strategies how to.
Any aircraft crew on any plane will tell you: "You ought to put your own oxygen mask on first before assisting anyone else". So whose needs are we supposed to attend to first – our own or someone else’s? It depends on who or what is actually being served in the process of receiving the benefits.
Most people have the desire to feel self-confident and some recognise the need for self-acceptance. So which one is it that we need to develop first and why? I’ve decided to have a closer look.
I have spent years study myself and others, trying to understand human behaviour, looking for the ingredients to self-acceptance, happiness, self-confidence and self-awareness and all of this to answer the questions what makes us truly happy and successful. And whilst I have been busy juggling being a new mum with working and researching those subjects in the last year, the answers have been right there, in front of my very eyes.
Going to the gym or for a walk and cooking a healthy meal after work require discipline and excess energy, which we don’t always have. That’s why those strategies, whilst valuable, are not always enough to fight stress and anxiety. What is required is to put oneself in the right frame of mind and have the right attitude, as often as possible. Here are four powerful ways to deal with anxiety and stress.
We attach to the way, in which we want to feel. The disappointment comes when the actual emotion we experience does not match our expectations. Non-attachement, staying balanced and composed despite challenges and setbacks is by far one of the most difficult skills to master and yet one of the most beneficial.
Self Awareness is foundational to our personal and professional success. That’s why so much emphasis in my work is placed on its development. Great awareness can be reached by asking questions of self and own actions first, and then those of others’. Self-awareness enables development of great leadership skills.
It wasn’t until I made the connection between self-worth and net-worth that I realised what abundance is all about. Abundance of love forms one of the layers of financial abundance. Here is my take on the subject.
By giving yourself love, care and attention first, you reinforce the feeling of being, having and doing enough. You will then be able to attract more of it into your life in a form of others’ love, care and attention.
The benefits of the practice of paying attention to the present moment are undeniable. How to achieve the state of mindfulness?
Mindfulness is about observation, not prevention: The skill lies in having the ability to catch oneself having negative thoughts, and not to stop them from occurring.
The answer to the question on how to live you life lies in your story. Not somebody else's. I know from my own experience as a presenter, that unless I am truly inspired and driven to action by my own story and experiences, I cannot possibly inspire my audience to take action.
We all experience challenges, difficulties and disappointments. It is not what happens to us, it is how we respond that matters.
If you have been feeling that something is missing in your life and you are tired of constant striving to be better at everything, if all you want is to be seen and heard, respected and recognised, for your voice to matter, the good news is that now you can. Here is what's in store for you.
What I believe is required to improve the quality of our lives is ... FOCUS. So how do we create focus?