Cultivating Self-Love Series (Online)
to Jun 17

Cultivating Self-Love Series (Online)

What is self love?

Self love is a thriving inner environment where well-serving thoughts are cultivated, gifts of self care are received, self trust, acceptance and self value are present and where limiting beliefs are transmuted and guilt eradicated. It is not a perfect environment, and one where self-forgiveness and self-responsibility reside, too.

Self love leads to true alignment with own purpose, expansion and growth, manifestation of desires. One who self loves extends themselves truly to serve others in the most authentic and meaningful way.

One who self loves understands that the aim of such approach is not self-obsession, and it is the highest effectiveness in life and at work through presence, self regulation, authentically relating to others and connected communication. One who self loves truly serves through their work in business and in the community, inspires others to self examination and to pivot in the best for them direction and helps resolve issues in the peaceful way.

Only by skilfully choosing the path of highest good for oneself, can we be of the true benefit to the world and others. Only by truly thriving from within, can we truly serve.


The Program is for those who:

  • feel guilt with actions or inactions

  • do not feel they do or are enough

  • navigate others’ needs first

  • feel energy and life-force depleted

  • do not fulfil own needs and feel absent from own life

Self love is

  • self care

  • self connection

  • responsibility for own thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions

  • self trust

  • self acceptance and self esteem

  • self worth

  • effective boundaries

  • self regulation

  • acceptance of what is

  • feeling choice

  • feeling abundant and expansive

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Self Love Series, Workshop 2: Responsibility
6:00 PM18:00

Self Love Series, Workshop 2: Responsibility

‘Responsibility’ is the second in the series of 6 Cultivating Self Love Workshops.

About this Workshop:

Individuals who love themselves owe it to themselves to take responsibility for their lives. They understand they have a role to play in the world, community, their families and businesses, and to fulfil it, they need to overcome their obstacles including inhibiting beliefs, triggers and limitations. To be responsible here does not mean to be seen as a good citizen, but to be good to self and expand that goodness out to others through responsible mindset and actions.

You learn here how to apply daily:

radical self awareness, self regulation, self responsibility, noticing your thoughts and feelings

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Self Love Series, Workshop 3: Self-Trust, Guilt Free
6:00 PM18:00

Self Love Series, Workshop 3: Self-Trust, Guilt Free

Self-Trust, Guilt Free is the third in the series of 6 Cultivating Self-Love Series.

About the Workshop:

Without self-trust we cannot love ourselves. Acting on self trust is just as important as the hunch itself. Our intuitive voice increases in volume over time as we trust it to follow its guidance. Only through undertaking aligned action do we strengthen self-worth and weaken guilt in the process.

You learn here:

To hear your intuitive voice, to notice self betrayal, to notice guilt, shame and other inhibiting feelings, to undertake aligned action, to strengthen self-worth.

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Self Love Series, Workshop 4: Purpose and Planning
6:00 PM18:00

Self Love Series, Workshop 4: Purpose and Planning

Purpose and Planning is the fourth in the series of 6 Cultivating Self Love Series.

About this Workshop:

Learning to overcome guilt continues here. We stop doing what we believe we are expected to do the moment we stop attaching our sense of self-worth to other’s approval. In a purpose driven life, there is a balance of flow and structure with  emphasis on a state of mind and heart as guiding posts. On this path we get to achieve and experience whilst serving and not compromising on who we are.

You learn here:

self-trust in action, how doing life your way feels like, balance of planning and flow in self trust, doing things for others vs. self, boundary setting

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Self Love Series, Workshop 5: Non-Attachment
6:00 PM18:00

Self Love Series, Workshop 5: Non-Attachment

Non-Attachment is the fifth in the series of 6 Cultivating Self-Love Workshops.

About this Workshop:

Non attachment to a desired outcome is essential component of leading a fulfilling and purposeful life in alignment with who we are or who we are becoming. The opposite - the desire to reach an outcome in a specific way and timeframe prevents us from actually getting there. It is the attachment to ways in which the path ought to unfold that prevents the realisation.

You learn here:

holding the vision, utilising good habits to non-attach, letting go of obsession, loving the moment not loving the outcome, embracing the flow of your life

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Self Love Series, Workshop 6: Acceptance
6:00 PM18:00

Self Love Series, Workshop 6: Acceptance

Acceptance is the final in the series of 6 Cultivating Self Love Workshops

About this Workshop:

Acceptance of others and what occurs emerges organically as we learn to value ourselves. We are then less attached to wanting things in a certain way as they stop meaning anything about ourselves and our life. This final step in the journey allows to form truly rewarding relationships with others and see whatever occurs as a blessing and not an obstacle.

You learn here:

to accept whatever comes and transmute it into beneficial, non attachment to people being or behaving in a certain way, fulfilment of needs from others, self love and independence, co-dependence and interdependence

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Self Love Series, Workshop 1: Good Habits
6:01 PM18:01

Self Love Series, Workshop 1: Good Habits

‘Good Habits’ is the first of 6 in the series of Cultivating Self Love Workshops.

About this workshop:

The future of this planet and future generations relies on individuals who truly care for themselves and in turn, care for others and the environment. Individuals who care for themselves don’t abuse their bodies, minds and spirits, and instead truly nurture them.

You learn to apply in your life:

The balance of comfort and discomfort - growth, eliminating distraction and noise, opportunity mindset, your energy, self connection, learning from reflection

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Arriving Nowhere
to Aug 20

Arriving Nowhere

Everything I sought out there, I found within.

My journey of multiple moves across continents, multiple career changes, people, places and learnings with the biggest - discovering myself.

I moved between continents 5 times. The desire to expand and evolve has guided me along the way. In my physical moves and shifts, I entertained a large volume of perspectives. I invited views of others, I got inspired, I failed, I was challenged and through it all, I learnt a lot about myself and fellow humans. I am convinced that leaning into life with curiosity is the way forward for success and for better relationships with others. I teach curiosity as a prerequisite for effective communication in my programs. To get to curiosity though, we need to go within. Hence the self-love piece. If this resonates, you might be interested to hear my journey which has led me from Poland to the UK, to Australia, UK again and via New Zealand to Australia again with multiple roles along the way…

Here is your invitation to a free online event where I will share the learnings from my journey titled Arriving Nowhere the places, people and learnings along the way - my work, my marriage and finding home. What I share is universal and can be applied to everyone. If you are interested, please register now below for one of two options.

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to Aug 28


  • Naturaliste Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Going within, more than going out is what we need today.

A community, self development taster program of three 2-hour workshops aimed to ignite the desire to find stillness and the solutions from within, in the  action-oriented world.

Workshop 1:

14 August 4.15pm till 6.15pm

Meditation, self connection, needs fulfilment

Workshop 2:

21 August 4.15pm till 6.15 pm

Motivation, mission, purpose, alignment, balance and goals

Workshop 3:

28 August 4.15pm till 6.15pm

Brining it all out to the world, perspective, compassion, influence, stress response

The program not only provides avenues to:

  • learn to connect with oneself to notice and change things as desired

  • self regulate

  • meditate to be present with oneself and others

The program also, through presentations, discussions and reflections, invites the participants to learn:

  • what they want and why

  • what motivates them

  • why the best solutions to external problems are found within

  • how our emotions and thoughts impact our life (more than others do)

  • how to bring the inner wisdom forth to achieve the desired outcomes

What is covered?

What next?

  • meditation practice

  • deepening self awareness

  • motivation and engagement

  • mission and purpose

  • alignment

  • balance of action and inaction

  • bringing it all out to the world

Each session builds on the previous one. Whilst it is not compulsory, it is the most beneficial to attend all three sessions to understand the concepts as they expand from week to week.

Outcomes of attending:

  • created space and habit of self-connection

  • ignited presence and insight

  • knowledge of own needs, values, desires and motivation

  • understanding how self-awareness positively impacts others

  • learn how to observe own thoughts and feelings and what to do next

  • how to find alignment in life and what it means

Who is it for?


  • racing through life

  • undertaking non-aligned action

  • who doesn’t have the space for stillness, reflection and self connection

  • needing to understand what they desire and how to live on purpose

  • wanting to regulate their emotions and reactions

  • seeking deeper connection with oneself and others

What’s included:

  • meditation techniques

  • workshops’ facilitation

  • exercises for deeper self awareness

  • reflections, journaling


Introductory Offer…

$111 for the three workshops


$42 per workshop

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Evolution Series: Declutter and Live On Purpose
9:00 AM09:00

Evolution Series: Declutter and Live On Purpose

Welcome to the next in the Evolution series workshop: ‘Declutter and Live On Purpose’ dedicated to deepening the relationship you have with yourself for authentic thriving in all aspects of your life.

In this next in the series session, we will delved deeper into what it takes for us to live in alignment with ourselves, rather than on the sidelines. We will look at our mission and together with our purpose and values - allow these to inform our goals.

Join This Workshop And…

  • review your purpose (your why?) and your values

  • Identify your mission (your what?)

  • Explore ways to set your heart felt and purpose driven goals

  • Discuss immediate steps and flow

  • Through visualisation - connect with your Future Self - highest version of you

  • Declutter - eliminate physical and emotional distractions preventing focus on what you must

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'Getting Your People' Workshop for Employers
8:30 AM08:30

'Getting Your People' Workshop for Employers

Workshop for employers dedicated to understanding and retaining their good staff

  • Are you challenged to get the right people to work? 

  • Do you struggle to retain employees

  • Do you desire more engagement?

  • Do you feel frustrated with their conflicting priorities? 


If the answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, you should join this 4-hour workshop presented in two parts:


Part 1:     ‘Insanity that works’

 Iain Massey of Upland Consulting presents the challenges and solutions going right back to how we think of strategy and jobs. Radical problems invite radical solutions.


Part 2:    ‘Empowered working relationships’


In this session, Kasia engages the audience with the corporate ‘why’ and values-driven recruitment process tools, and further discusses motivation, effective relationships building for retention and business success.


Join Iain and Kasia, business and leadership consultants with decades of combined experience working with businesses to support their growth, team, communications and relationship challenges.


During this workshop you will learn:


⁃            about your business’s strategic intendt and planning

⁃            flexible and open solutions to your problems

⁃            how to handle competition

⁃            how to start with why and recruit staff from that perspective

⁃            about systems and induction

⁃            motivation and engagement strategies

⁃            how to develop and sustain healthy working relationships


Cost: $450 per participant

 Places are limited.


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Evolution Series: 'I am'
9:00 AM09:00

Evolution Series: 'I am'

Evolution Series: ‘I am’

Welcome to the next in the Evolution series workshop: ‘I am’ dedicated to deepening the relationship you have with yourself for authentic thriving in all aspects of your life.

Join this workshop and…

  • learn what makes you tick - uncover your values

  • name what you need and is missing

  • define what you are here to do:

    • your purpose, mission and vision

    • your strengths - who or what are you here to serve?

    • are you here to achieve a vision or become the person for whom the vision is possible - how?

  • determine goals which will allow you to get there… and what else

  • find alignment between what you want and like and those aspects you don’t appreciate

Discussions, group sharing and one-to-one interactions weave through this content rich workshop in order to provide as much context, examples and support.

Leave the session

  • enriched in self-awareness

  • with clarity and focus

  • inspired by your own self

  • ready to undertake steps in the most desired direction

  • feeling motivated for all aspects of your life

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The Impact of Inner Stories on Wellbeing
6:00 PM18:00

The Impact of Inner Stories on Wellbeing

In this session, the second in the mini-series of ‘All Aspects of You’ at Essence of You Members Centre, you will explore:

  • the inner critic and how to recognise and communicate with them

  • your limiting beliefs

  • meet your inner child and

  • learn about your basic needs and why they are fundamental

We will also explore who fulfils our needs and when we cater to them and when others do.

Join the session:

  • for free for Members of Essence of You

  • for non-members of Essence of you - register to attend at the button below

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Community Event: 'Evolution - so we can comfortably say: 'I love my life'
10:00 AM10:00

Community Event: 'Evolution - so we can comfortably say: 'I love my life'

A Community Event for Women and by Women

A community event intended to pull you away from the race and help you centre and re-connect. Curated for you and other like-hearted women to be, laugh and surrender to what the moment brings.

Join us and learn new about yourself, be inspired and moved to shift things in your desired direction.

A stand alone event or an inaguration of a series of get togethers on topics of our ‘Evolution’ - so we can comfortably say ‘ I love my life’ ...

Join this Day and…

  • celebrate you

  • spend time reflecting, learning and connecting

  • have fun in group activities

  • mediatate and rejuvenate

  • eat delicious and nutricious food

  • attend a workshop to explore the ‘Essence of you’

The ‘Essence of You’ workshop will explore

  • the meaning of your Evolution

  • the antidote to ‘busy-ness’

  • your true desires (underneath goals and values)

  • how to achieve what you want

  • meaningful self-care

  • relationships from a new angle (boundaries, ease, compromise, communication)


$111 per person


$200 for two (early bird special only until 16 February)

Price includes:

  • the 6 hour event, entertainment, lunch, workshop

  • non-refundable, only exchangeable for another service of the same value

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Hidden Parts of You - Ego and Shadow
7:00 PM19:00

Hidden Parts of You - Ego and Shadow

Join this stand alone workshop or as part of the ‘All Aspects of You’ Mini Series of Workshops at ‘Essence of You’ Members Centre.

What lies underneath the layers and how to utilise those aspects positively?

Join this one hour session and:

  • learn what ego is and how to recognise its presence

  • how to be with rather than tame your ego

  • explore when ‘ego speaks’ and shadow shows up

  • learn ego stories including: helplessness, worthlessness, negativity, perfectionism and others

  • identity your own ego stories

  • learn what shadow is and witness it is action

  • receive WORKBOOK with exercises to complete to recognise and dis-empower ego when needed

Join the session:

  • for free for Members of Essence of You

  • for non-members of Essence of you - register to attend at the button below

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Beyond Identity: Feminine and Masculine Within You
6:00 PM18:00

Beyond Identity: Feminine and Masculine Within You

In the gender equality focused world, where many seek freedom for self-expression, there may be limited opportunities to delve deeper and understand feminine and masculine aspects of self - aspects that we all carry within us irrespective of our identity.

Join this session and delve deeper into the concepts of the feminine and masculine within you.

Consider what aspects of self support, and which inhibit your growth from this feminine and masculine perspective.

This session also provides the opportunity to explore equality and whether we want ‘it’ or what is it that we are actually after?

In this workshops we will explore:

  • healthy and unhealthy feminine and masculine behaviours

  • gifts of feminine and masculine for business and life

  • equality or another solution?

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Ending the Year on a High (Community free event)
6:00 PM18:00

Ending the Year on a High (Community free event)

You cannot plan for where you are going without first acknowledging where you have been.

Stock take of your self-defined accomplishments is a far more important process than New Year’s resolutions.

No wonder the majority of people drop their intentions only after few weeks of a new year , and many repeat the same resolutions they had the year before.

Without reflection, resolutions may not fit the bigger picture of your life.

Acknowledging where you have been from all angles, allows you to launch into the New Year refreshed and more certain of what you want next. Let me walk you through the process.

In this session we will look together at what 2023 has delivered and where it failed, and what that means for you moving forward.

Afford yourself this hour of pure reflection and recollection to complete the year in a meaningful way. A transformational session aimed to:

  • answer specific questions to evaluate your achievements and lessons learnt in 2023

  • draw conclusions from your learnings in a pre-designed process

  • plan for the year ahead based on your priorities in four main areas of your life

  • recognise the power of ‘attitude’ and build it into your life plan for 2024

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Guilt free Self-Care
6:00 PM18:00

Guilt free Self-Care

Why self-prioritisation is essential for  mental health and wellbeing.

Join this worksop to discover why self-care is not selfish and is indeed the most self-less thing you can do. Self care is a gift you give yourself and everyone else in your life.

Join this session and learn:

  • why self-prioritisation is essential for your mental health and wellbeing

  • learn where the desire to put other people’s needs first comes from and what it costs you

  • the difference between being selfish and selfless

  • about basic and growth needs

  • how to put own needs first without hurting anyone

  • how to overcome guilt when authentically caring for oneself


$ 40 for Non-Members

Free for Members of Essence of You

Not A Member Of “Essence Of You” Yet?-You Can Join In Here.

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Circle Discussion and Q&A: Self-care and Wellbeing Strategies Review.
6:00 PM18:00

Circle Discussion and Q&A: Self-care and Wellbeing Strategies Review.

Circle Discussion and Q&A: Self care and Wellbeing Strategies Review.

Which of the previously discussed self-care and wellbeing strategies work and which require further adjustment? What other tools could be used to bring meaningful self-care to every day life?

Join this open discussion regarding meaningful self-care and wellbeing strategies and:

  • have your questions answered

  • present your reflections and observations from completed exercises

  • get inspired by others’ learnings and conclusions

  • find solutions to relevant challenges


$ 40 for Non-Members

Free for Members of Essence of You

Not A Member Of “Essence Of You” Yet?-You Can Join In Here.

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No. 1 Wellbeing Influencer - Thoughts and Feelings
6:00 PM18:00

No. 1 Wellbeing Influencer - Thoughts and Feelings

In this session you will:

  • form your definition of wellbeing

  • understand the impact of your thoughts and feelings on your actions and outcomes

  • learn to become a non-judgemental observer

  • appreciate how different lenses alter your reality

  • learn the correlation between your mental health and physical health

  • understand the emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviour equation

  • learn mindfulness and meditation techniques to ground and regulate nervous system


$ 40 for Non-Members

Free for Members of Essence of You

Not a member of “Essence of You” yet?-you can join in here.

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Self Care 2.0 - the Journey Ahead
6:00 PM18:00

Self Care 2.0 - the Journey Ahead

In this session we will:

  • discuss what makes THIS wellbeing journey unique

  • understand how effective self care is essential in today’s world

  • pull out self care practices out of the toolbox

  • explore the what and the how of self-care

  • define wellbeing

  • generate time for your self care practices


  • $40 for Non-Members

  • Free for Members of ‘Essence of You’

Not a member of “Essence of You” yet?-you can join in here.

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Emotions in Communication (Influence, Persuasion, EQ) - in person event in collaboration with DYCCI
12:30 AM00:30

Emotions in Communication (Influence, Persuasion, EQ) - in person event in collaboration with DYCCI

Event organised by Dunsborough and Yallingup Chamber of Commerce.

This session takes communication to the next level and provides techniques for conducting persuasive conversations. Aside from the practical strategies, the workshop presents the relevance of higher emotional intelligence: the ability to manage own and others’ emotions and building rapport for effective influencing.


Whether you want to ask for help without feeling guilty or you have better ideas on how things could be done more successfully, or finally, you feel that if others made more of an effort, it would improve things for all, this workshop provides essential skills on how to motivate, persuade and influence others to get things done.


Topics/Areas covered:


  • Utilizing emotional intelligence including self-regulation, social awareness and social skills to influence effectively

  • Rapport building and communication with others to achieve desired outcomes

  • Using clear and unambiguous language

·      Persuasive presentation of another point of view          


Learning Outcomes:  

-           know how to convince others to your point of view

-           learn how to get others motivated to undertake an unwanted task 

-           be able to achieve win-win results in conversations

-           learn how to hold persuasive conversations

-           appropriately manage your emotions in conversations


Who should attend:

 Anyone who wants to improve their communication skills, relationships with colleagues and learn to influence and persuade others to achieve their goals or goals of the organisation while being motivated to do so. Participants gain more advanced skills in utilising their higher emotional intelligence in persuasive conversations.            

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Webinar

If you…

✅ Feel the internal pressure to deliver better results…

✅  Feel Inadequate (not good enough) despite having the right skills, qualifications or the experience…

✅  Feel you need to do more for others to deserve their attention or approval…

✅  Push yourself at work or in other endeavours despite having no evidence that you have to…

…then you may be suffering from Imposter Syndrome.

About this Session:

With the changes to the way modern women and men ‘do life’ in the last hundred year, Imposter Syndrome has become a real issue.

Many professionals are challenged to see the true value they bring to their organisations, teams and families whilst at the same time, putting more hours and effort in, to serve others, at the cost of their own well-being.

This one hour webinar is designed to shed light on the issue of imposter syndrome and its causes.

We will define the phenomenon and then present the solutions, which, when applied, will allow for more self trust, acceptance and feeling of worthiness and confidence to emerge.

Benefits of attending:

  • Specific strategies on how to overcome imposter syndrome

  • Specific questions you get to answer during the session (for yourself) to gain clarity of your perspective

  • Reframe your perspective on yourself

  • Learn the root causes of Imposter Syndrome

  • Understand why women (more than men) suffer from imposter syndrome

  • Identify if you do in fact suffer from the syndrome

  • Learn why Nervous System regulation is helpful

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Workshop (Perth)
6:00 PM18:00

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Workshop (Perth)

If you…

✅ Feel the internal pressure to deliver better results…

✅  Feel Inadequate (not good enough) despite having the right skills, qualifications or the experience…

✅  Feel you need to do more for others to deserve their attention or approval…

✅  Push yourself at work or in other endeavours despite having no evidence that you have to…

…then you may be suffering from Imposter Syndrome.

About this Session:

With the changes to the way modern women and men ‘do life’ in the last hundred year, Imposter Syndrome has become a real issue.

Many professionals are challenged to see the true value they bring to their organisations, teams and families whilst at the same time, putting more hours and effort in, to serve others, at the cost of their own well-being.

Join this 3 hour interactive workshop designed to shed light on the issue of imposter syndrome and its causes and discuss solutions.

We will define the phenomenon and then present the solutions, which, when applied, will allow for more self trust, acceptance of yourself and others and feeling of worthiness and confidence to emerge.

Benefits of attending:

  • Specific strategies on how to overcome imposter syndrome

  • Specific questions you get to answer during the session (for yourself) to gain clarity of your perspective

  • Reframe your perspective on yourself

  • Learn the root causes of Imposter Syndrome

  • Understand why women (more than men) suffer from imposter syndrome

  • Identify if you do in fact suffer from the syndrome

  • Learn why Nervous System regulation is helpful

  • Learn how to self regulate effectively

  • Explore the feminine and masculine in you

Your Investment $55

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Relationships and Communication: Games People Play
5:00 PM17:00

Relationships and Communication: Games People Play

We undertake multiple roles in society every day. Those roles play out differently depending on situations and demands. We are all also driven by our unique values which inform our actions including behaviors towards others and communication styles. 
Aside from internal drivers, we are also triggered by others’ cues, and their styles which evoke reactions and invite specific responses. Sometimes the response is less than desirable and only afterwards, may we feel annoyed with our own reaction. All of this is driven by our universal need to gain energy, feel valued and connect. 
If you are interested in understanding how people relate, what helps them connect with one another and how they get triggered, then you may like to join this session. 
In this session we will discuss: 

What impacts the way we communicate

Roles we get triggered into – control dramas

Where the desire to control others comes from

How to eliminate or minimize control

How interactions are transactions or manipulation

Alternative ways to gain control, energy, and connection

Cost: $ 33 (incl GST)

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The Whole of You - Online Workshop Series
to Jun 23

The Whole of You - Online Workshop Series

Join the transformational workshops’ series to become the WHOLE OF YOU.

There is no work more important and more profound than to understand and embrace the whole of you. From the standpoint of deeper self-understanding and self-acceptance, can all the decisions and leaps forward emerge, can all relationships and connections flourish, ideas - blossom and you - truly succeed.


The Program covers 6 online sessions spread across 6 months, approximately every 4 weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm AWST and equivalent in your time zone.

The first session is set to take place on 7 February 2023

Integration is what happens when:

  • Your light meets your shadow

  • Your feminine meets your masculine

  • Your head and your heart connect and

  • where science and spirituality can co-exist and co-create.

  • It is where all polarities within you integrate that the true authenticity and joy of you emerges

Presented Workshops WILL COVER:


  • Healthy and unhealthy masculine and feminine in you

  • Seasons you are in

  • Menstrual cycle awareness

  • Finding balance

  • Responding to the needs of your season


  • The drivers of your life

  • Your needs, values and desires

  • Your consciousness

  • Feelings you are experiencing

  • Uncovering your truest wants


  • Gifts of your parents

  • Control dramas

  • Games you engage in

  • Energetic recharge

  • The mission you are here to fulfil


  • Beliefs limiting your path

  • Destructive thoughts

  • Blame, guilt and shame

  • Internal conflict

  • Inner parts integration


  • Eliminating self-betrayal

  • Allowing what occurs

  • Esteeming yourself

  • Self worth and empowerment

  • Finding self love


  • Triggers

  • Self and other boundaries

  • Emotions of self and others

  • Compassion

  • Radical self-responsibility

Sessions Format

Each workshop will combine visuals, power points, hands-on exercises to complete during the session and discussions and sharing with fellow participants.

Each participant will also have a project, which will enable them to co-create the world they want to live in and to expand themselves.


AUD 550 per person

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Webinar: Be the Creator, and not a Reactor, of your Life and Career
5:00 PM17:00

Webinar: Be the Creator, and not a Reactor, of your Life and Career

How often do we allow ourselves to desire things - to look at life from uncorrupted place of yearning? Not very often. Life gets in the way… 

In the noisy, busy world we live in today, it is difficult to know what we truly want, and even if we do know, to make our desires happen. 

In fact, there is a difference between a desire and a want. And in that difference lies our ability to manifest the life worth living. 

  • If you are yearning to create a life and career you want…

  • if you want to be truly you in your interactions and relationships….

  • If you want more abundance and flow….

  • If you want to live on purpose rather than be reactive…

  • If you want to feel that you have time and space….

….. then you should join this one hour online session - a webinar - where amongst all else, we will discuss the mindset which will get you where you truly want to go in life and in your career. 

Join this session and:

- learn about creation vs reaction in life and career

- how to live in alignment with your authentic self

- how to create an authentic career which reflects you, your skills and strengths

- how to achieve non-attachment, and instead attunement in your life and in your work

- what does abundance have to do with creation

Cost: by Donation

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Completion: Ending 2022 on a High
5:00 PM17:00

Completion: Ending 2022 on a High

You cannot plan for where you are going without first acknowledging where you have been.

Stock take of your self-defined accomplishments is a far more important process than New Year’s resolutions.

No wonder the majority of people drop their intentions only after few weeks of a new year , and many repeat the same resolutions they had the year before.

Without reflection, resolutions may not fit the bigger picture of your life.

Acknowledging where you have been from all angles, allows you to launch into the New Year refreshed and more certain of what you want next. Let me walk you through the process.

In this session we will look together at what 2022 has delivered and where it failed, and what that means for you moving forward.

Afford yourself this hour of pure reflection and recollection to complete the year in a meaningful way.

Cost: $30

Session held via Zoom

Time: 5pm AWST | 8pm AEST | 10 am CET | 9am GMT

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INTEGRATION - the Whole of You
to Nov 30

INTEGRATION - the Whole of You

Join the transformational workshops’ series to become the WHOLE OF YOU.

There is no work more important and more profound than to understand and embrace the whole of you. From the standpoint of deeper self-understanding and self-acceptance, can all the decisions and leaps forward emerge, can all relationships and connections flourish, ideas - blossom and you - truly succeed.

Integration is what happens when:

  • Your light meets your shadow

  • Your feminine meets your masculine

  • Your head and your heart connect and

  • where science and spirituality can co-exist and co-create.

  • It is where all polarities within you integrate that the true authenticity and joy of you emerges

Individual sessions will cover:

1. Seasonal You

  • Healthy and unhealthy masculine and feminine in you

  • Seasons you are in

  • Menstrual cycle awareness

  • Finding balance

  • Responding to the needs of your season

    2. Needs Driven You

  • The drivers of your life

  • Your needs, values and desires

  • Your consciousness

  • Feelings you are experiencing

  • Uncovering your truest wants

    3. Evolutionary You

  • Gifts of your parents

  • Control dramas

  • Games you engage in

  • Energetic recharge

  • The mission you are here to fulfil

    4. Parts of You

  • Beliefs limiting your path

  • Destructive thoughts

  • Blame, guilt and shame elimination

  • Internal conflict

  • Inner parts integration

    5. Self Loving You

  • Eliminating self-betrayal

  • Allowing what occurs

  • Esteeming yourself

  • Self worth and empowerment

  • Finding self love

    6. Responsive You

  • Triggers

  • Self and other boundaries

  • Emotions of self and others

  • Compassion

  • Radical self-responsibility

Sessions Format

Each workshop will combine visuals, power points, hands on exercises to complete during the session and discussions and sharing with fellow participants.

Each participant will also have a project to work on, which will enable them to co-create the world they want to live in and to expand themselves.

Your Investment:


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The Art of Self-fulness Online Program
to Dec 1

The Art of Self-fulness Online Program

What is Self-fulness?

Self-fulness is the art of putting yourself first for your own benefit and those around you.

The concept of prioritising our own wellbeing is negatively correlated and often perceived as something we do at the expense of others. If we put ourselves first, we are very quickly labelled as selfish.

The Art of Self-fullness integrates concepts of higher self-awareness, radical self-responsibility and self-trust for the experience of guilt-free joy, empowerment and success in personal and professional lives.

Self Awareness

Research shows that higher self-awareness enables us to develop other forms of emotional intelligence including better relating to others and more effective communication which all lead to problem resolution, better culture and effective decision making.

Radical Self-Responsibility

The second pillar of the program explores how every thought, emotion and action we undertake is within our full control and the ability to respond appropriate leads to the ultimate results we want.


The final third pillar of the program - self trust is foundational to self love. How can we speak to ourselves with the same attentiveness, kindness and care we speak to others and if we do, where does it take us on the path to self-esteem and self worth?

A self-ful individual is the one who:

  • trusts themselves

  • is aware and responsible for their beliefs, feelings and actions

  • is aware of what they truly want

  • has the courage to act and speak their truth

  • can say ‘no’

  • has a strong will

  • distinguishes their inner voice

  • can make decisions

  • is disciplined

  • is focused

And as a result:

  • knows and goes in the direction of their desires/wants

  • can make decisions quickly

  • knows what is their responsibility and what is not

  • recognises triggers

  • experiences more joyous moments

  • is relaxed and open

  • enjoys authentic relationships

  • gets things done/makes things happen

  • is ‘fortunate’

  • can communicate clearly and to the point

Facilitated in a form of Masterclasses & Masterminds over a course of 6 months.

Course details:

Commencement 30 June 2022 until 1 December 2022

Sessions held once a month

Global audience

Masterclasses (webinars) + Mastermind (group discussions)


Pre-Sale until 31 May AUD $550

Regular price AUD $660 from 1 June.

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In person (South West WA): Seeds of Awakening - Awareness
10:00 AM10:00

In person (South West WA): Seeds of Awakening - Awareness

Seeds of Awakening 

Experience ‘Awareness’

[Read more about Seeds of Awakening]

Join us at the next Seeds of Awakening Experience theme ‘Awareness’. 

Self-Awareness lies at the core of our personal effectiveness. Awareness of what is happening with us and around us, is a key emotional intelligence tool and one to help us asertain risk. Today more than ever we ought to be aware. Self-awareness is a good starting point as it leads to awareness of everyone and everything else around us. 

This Seeds of Awakening Experience, via a variety of modalities, brings you closer to awareness of yourself, which leads to a more informed decision making process and an increase in the quality of your life and interactions.

Join this Seeds of Awakening Experience: Awareness and four sessions engaging your mind, heart, body and spirit:

  • Deepen Awareness of Self and Others. discuss self awareness, its components how to achieve it and how to open oneself up to the awareness of what is around us.

  • Embody your Femininity through Silk Fans Dance explore how synchronised movement impacts your body and understand the imbalances and the balance which lies within or could be there if achieved. Tap into your Devine Feminine.

  • Understand your Menstrual Cycle and deepen the awareness of your emotional body and how your menstrual cycle impacts you and your wellbeing.

  • Connect through Breathwork Practices and adopt breath work as a way to regulate your nervous system, your emotions and a deeper connection to yourself, your intuition and your inner knowing.

We bring together four unique sessions including: 

The Sessions

  1. Self Awareness Expansion with Kasia

Self awareness as the first and fundamental pillar of emotional intelligence, influences the quality of our emotional regulation, drives our decisions, direction in life and relationships. 

There are many roads which lead to an increased self awareness including reflection, deeper self exploration, enquiry and self connection to name a few. 

This first of four sessions in this Experience, is an invitation for you to go on a journey of self-exploration and to embrace the whole of YOU in order to, through awareness of yourself, welcome the awareness of others, the surrounding environment and what you need to consider in order to thrive. 

It is also an introductory session before you embody your Self through movement, sensuality and breath via the following three highly informative sessions presented during this Experience.

In this session you will: 

  • explore who you are from values, needs, preferences, and emotions perspective

  • appreciate the value of exploring deeper self awareness of the seen …and unseen

  • evaluate how others may see you

  • consider your shadow side and blind spots

  • endeavour to answer the question of how your circumstances and environment impacted who you are/what you do and what’s good about it

  • appreciate how awareness of self impacts awareness of others

  • explore curiosity and compassion

  • find the value you bring and your self worth

About Kasia 

In her work and life Kasia combines intellectual knowledge with inner knowing, her analytical mind with insight and intuition, and she sees value in recognising the role each of our aspects - ego and Higher Self- play towards thriving in life. 

Over the years she has organised and facilitated programs for women including workshops, circles and conferences on variety of topics ranging from personal expansion and transformation, self-awareness, personal effectiveness for professional growth, emotional intelligence, leadership and others.

In the last couple of years she’s been organising and co-facilitating women’s circles to engage the whole person, with their body, mind, heart and spirit. As a natural connector, she adores bringing people close to one another and facilitate opportunities for everyone’s growth. 

2. Feminine Embodiment- Silk Fans Movement with Natalie

Join us for this luxurious form of movement-medicine with Silk Fans which will assist you in cultivating self love within! When we move, we honour and embody our Divine Feminine!

Our natural state of being is JOY and when we are free to express ourselves through these colourful flowing movements, our soul rejoices!

Our Ancestors knew how important music and movement were as a way of expressing ourselves, connecting them with their higher source. Throughout the ages, dance has been an important part of ceremony, ritual and celebration!

Allow yourself to be guided to whichever colours feel attractive to you, as this will be the chakra you will be working with, unblocking dense energies within your energy body.

In the class, you will learn a beautiful flowing sequence that will leave you feeling inspired, ethereal and most importantly - a way for you to connect with and express your Divine Self on this physical plane!

About Natalie

Natalie Joy is an enthusiastic, expressive & playful Flow~Arts Dancer & Teacher located in the South West.

Specialising in flowing silk-fan and Hoop dance, Natalie is both a performer and teacher, sharing her passion & love of flowing movement.

“Helping others connect with & express their Divine Feminine through flowing Dance is my Soul‘s  calling”! 

3. Menstrual Cycle Awareness with Angela

If you have ever wondered why some times in the month you are extremely productive, creative and resourceful, and other times, you are on extreme edge, emotional and unpredictable, you are not alone. 

As we embrace flow in all aspects of our lives, it is time to gain awareness when it comes to the one, which impacts and enables or disables our effectiveness, the menstrual flow.

Understanding of our menstrual cycle goes beyond understanding our emotions and effectiveness and lies at the core of understanding how different we are from the other gender and that menstrual flow may in fact be aligning with what makes us who we are - feminine. 

In this session Angela offers an embodied overview of the four phases of a woman’s monthly cycle and will explain how each of those phases impact us emotionally and physically. 

Cycle Awareness is an opportunity to come home and rest deeply in an understanding of yourself as a woman.  Listen, connect and co-operate with your natural rhythms and monthly cycle.

Feel the cycle, remember this ancient wisdom, connect to your feminine essence.  Allow your body to tell you what you are needing and find more authentic flow, predictability and sustainability to thrive as a woman. 

About Angela

Angela Wellman is a passionate women’s events facilitator who loves connection, community, nature, parenting and sisterhood. A mother of 4 children ranging from 16 to 1 year old, she is passionate about supporting mothers and creating deep sisterhood connections.

Angela has a wide range of experiences delivering programs in areas of Community Building, Cycle Awareness, Aware Parenting, Non Violent Communication and Non-Verbal Womens Temples.

She is an authentic and a powerful communicator holding space for women at her regular events focused on self care, nourishment and deeper connection. 

4. Welcome to Breathwork, Meditative Practice with Paulina

Have you ever participated in a Breathwork session? Or perhaps you wondered what Breathwork really was and how it worked? 

Breathwork has certainly gained popularity in recent times, and there is a fair bit to the process and its application. The benefits are vast and apply to our every day situations, stress management equally to increasing our ability to decide through deeper connection to intuition and Higher Self. 

In this session, Paulina will introduce you to Breathwork (Himalayan Vedic-Yogic Tradition) from its foundations, which will assist you on a journey of your self-discovery. You will explore breath as a fundamental bridge connecting YOU with your Higher Self.

In this practice, you will get to experience intense energy, expansion and stillness leading to empowerment of your mind, body, and spirit. It’s a connection of all aspects of yourself.

 The benefits of a daily breathwork practise take place on all levels: emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. 

In this session you will experience and learn: 

·       Meditative breathwork practice 

·       Why it is beneficial as a daily and not an occasional practice 

·       The difference between Meditative Breathwork and Meditation

·       To activate your Vagus Nerve - nerve which brings your nervous system into rest and digest, balance, and calmness. 

·       How it strengthens your immunity and heart rate variably

·       How it increases emotional regulation

·       To deepen your connection to Intuition 


About Paulina

Paulina Wolowska is an intuitive, channel, empath and wayshower. She is deeply committed to the journey of healing and self-transformation. Through Vedic Meditation and Kundalini yoga,  she realized her love and deep connection to the breathwork practices and how that can shift one’s energy. Through committed daily practice, she opened channels into the invisible world, which led her to the exploration of shamanic practices. After 18 months of deep inner work, she became an approved shamanic practitioner. 

Paulina helps people on the journey of healing, by clearing old stuck emotions, energy and trauma that no longer serve the higher purpose and is not in alignment with their energetic blueprint. 

Cost of this Seeds of Awakening Experience:

Single - $245 incl GST

Friends Package - $450 incl GST

Experience includes:

4 x Unique + Custom Designed Sessions

Delicious and nutricious lunch


What to Expect:

You are expected to show up for yourself. 

You are invited to express yourself and share verbally or in your journal, privately, as much as you desire. 

You are invited to listen to your intuition, connect with yourself and others authentically.

You are invited to come open-minded, open-hearted and curious. 

We come together in a circle to meditate, listen, speak, share in silence, journal our reflections, visualise and set intentions. 

Wear warm, comfortable clothes to sit on the floor, on your cushion ideally shoe-less. Be prepared for sensual stimulation, emotional release and deep realisations. Allow time and space for integration of new learnings and discoveries.

Terms and Conditions:

Tickets are transferable. If you are not able to attend the event you will receive credit to attend another retreat of the same value at a later date. If the event has to be cancelled due to circumstances outside of our control, you will also receive credit to attend another event or events in the near future. If the event cannot be postponed or another session of the same value offered, then a refund will apply.

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Webinar: Understanding and Overcoming Fear
1:00 PM13:00

Webinar: Understanding and Overcoming Fear

Have you been feeling fearful lately?

Or perhaps you have experienced fear in other forms such as anxiety, physical or mental discomfort or higher levels of stress?

Fear can present itself as any form of a lower emotional sensation, and it may completely paralyse and hijack our life

It is likely that our life experiences are largely overtaken by fear at this time.  

If you’d like to understand where it comes from, what are different types of fear and how to manage it - at least, or overcome - at best, then join this session now

During this webinar, I will present you with different types of fear and explain how it is not just one, and multiple sensations we may be experiencing. 

I will introduce strategies on how to get out of that state and what the alternative is. I will discuss what is our most natural state and what are its prerequisites. 

Together we will take a step-by-step approach for everyone participating to leave the session feeling more fear-less and more empowered. 

Don’t miss out, join the session now.

Mode: via Zoom

<<..<<Registeration is essential, link to the session will be sent to you in the confirmation email upon registration. >>..>>

Time at your location:

  • 1 pm Australian Western ST

  • 4pm Australian Eastern ST

  • 6 am GMT

  • 7 am Continental Europe

…and equivalent

Cost: By Donation

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Full Feel Your Self Online Program
5:00 PM17:00

Full Feel Your Self Online Program

Our inner values inform every decision and step we undertake in life, and they in turn are influenced by our deepest needs.

More often than not, we rely on others or external factors for the fulfilment of our needs with poor results and consequences for our life.

“Full Feel Your Self” program emerged as a result of a decade long work and study in areas of values and needs fulfilment and is a merger of two areas of work: Self Awareness and Self-fulness - the art of putting yourself first, guilt free.

Today I would love to invite you to explore a new way of being in a healthy driver’s seat of your life, and from an empowered position, embrace fulfilment of your deepest needs which then lead to the fulfilment of your deepest desires.

Together, equipped with timeless tools, we walk through the process of fulfilling our individual needs, values and visions and empowering ourselves from inside - out.

The Program Components:

The program includes 6 online presentations aimed to develop skills to equip you in fulfilling your needs from inside-out.

Each webinar is preceded and followed by Q & A and discussion amongst participants.


Sessions are recoded for re-watching. Each participant has time to share in a private discussion setting and to learn from one another, as part of ‘mastermind’ component of the program.

Expansion exercises including values elicitation process are provided.

Why now?

We live in unprecedented times of great change. Every facet of our life has been effected by the changes occurring worldwide and there is nowhere to escape. This situation presents great challenges to many, and reasons for distress and anxiety. It is however also a time of great opportunities for change. The said change does not however happen by external alterations, and requires us all to look within.

Benefits of the “Full Feel Your Self” Program:

  • Increased self awareness

  • Values, drivers, needs and vision awareness

  • Increased self trust and decision making process

  • Self worth, value and self love

  • Living in alignment with own values and convictions

  • Courage to design own life

  • Recognition and ability to alter own emotional states

  • Fulfilment of needs from an empowered place, rather than in a temporary fashion

  • Connections with other like-hearted invididuals

  • A space to connect in, reflect and bounce ideas from

Your Investment

$550 AUD Pre-Sale until 31 December 2021

$660 AUD from 1 January 2022.

4 x instalments of $165 are available

To Book Your Place, email:

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Seeds of Awakening Day Retreat - Yallingup
11:00 AM11:00

Seeds of Awakening Day Retreat - Yallingup

Welcome to Seeds of Awakening…

where we come together to co-create the world we want to live in.

Today, more than ever, we need to stand in our own power and find the support mechanisms including that of self-trust, inner power, intuition and self-love amongst others, to live in alignment with our true selves.

At Seeds of Awakening, we recognise the role we all play in creating this world and support each other in taking responsibility for our lives and what we do or not do, as well as, what is there to learn, heal and explore further for each of us individually. 

We believe that “as within, so without”. 

You are invited to join Seeds of Awakening Day Retreat and enter 2022 with a renewed sense of

  • rejuvenation,

  • wholeness,

  • support and

  • empowerment

Join us on Saturday, 22 January 2022 from 11 am until 5pm for this incredible experience including:

  • 6 hour event in a stunning inside and outside venue

  • Meditation

  • Sound Healing session

  • Soul and Body Integration Healing session

  • Expansion Lab - 1 to 3 of the following workshop topics for discussion and Reflection:

  • co-creating, and not repairing, the world I want to be a part of - tools and practice

  • rebalancing feminine and masculine divines in me for the most aligned life

  • why putting myself first is essential and how to achieve it

  • Yin Yoga session

  • Delicious vegetarian or vegan lunch prepared by Ayuviric chef and refreshments.

COST: $122 incl. GST


All you are expected to do is to show up for yourself. 

You are invited to express yourself and share verbally or in your journal, privately, as much as you desire. 

You are invited to listen to your intuition, connect with yourself and others authentically.

You are invited to come open-minded, open-hearted and curious. 

We come together in a circle to meditate, listen, speak, share in silence, journal our reflections, visualise and set intentions. 

Wear warm, comfortable clothes to sit on the floor, on your cushion ideally shoe-less. Be prepared for some sensual stimulation through sound and scents. 

Terms and Conditions:

Tickets are transferable. If you are not able to attend the event you will receive credit to attend another retreat of the same value at a later date. If the event has to be cancelled due to circumstances outside of our control, you will also receive credit to attend another event or events in the near future.

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