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Seeds of Awakening

At Seeds of Awakening we come together to co-create the world we want to live in. 

We recognise the role we all play in creating this world and support each other in taking responsibility for our lives and what we do or not do, as well as, what is there to learn, heal and explore further for each of us individually. 

We believe that “as within, so without”. 

Join us on Wednesday, 29 September at 6pm as we come together again to delve deeper into our-selves and embrace what the New Moon brings.  


Join the circle of warm and inviting women who are on a similar journey of self exploration, nourishment and deepening self trust.

In this session we come together:

  • to breath deeply and connect with our bodies and hearts

  • hear updates about the astrological shifts and current energies

  • meditate and visualise

  • discuss how each of us experiences the reality, how to trust ourselves deeper and deepen the learning required for each individually

  • to journal and contemplate

  • to experience healing from a guest Healer

  • to drink celebratory cocoa which helps us open our hearts and receive


All you are expected to do is to show up for yourself. 

You are invited to express yourself and share verbally or in your journal, privately, as much as you desire. 

You are invited to listen to your intuition, connect with yourself and others authentically. You are invited to come open-minded, open-hearted and curious. 

We come together in a circle to meditate, listen, speak, share in silence, journal our reflections, visualise and set intentions. 

Wear warm, comfortable clothes to sit on the floor, on your cushion ideally shoe-less. Be prepared for some sensual stimulation through sound and scents. 


  • a cushion to sit on

  • a blanket (optional)

  • yoga matt

  • your favourite journal to write in & a pen

  • water