An Online platform available to all who cannot attend or want to complement monthly face to face Seeds of Awakening meetings in Perth.
As the world is changing and we feel lost in our own realities, in our bodies and amongst our friends and families, the path back to ourselves seems inevitable.
What is happening with you?
you doubt the value or truth of what surrounds you
you cannot connect with some of your family or friends at the moment
your intuition is heightened, your are drawn or open to meditation, sound healing, yoga, and are on a spiritual journey
you are looking for more balance and true ‘I’
you want to trust yourself more
you want to change your work-life
you are unsure about speaking your truth
What is SOA Pod
A space you create for yourself in the safety of your own home/sanctuary and in which you connect online with others who come together. In this co-created environment, we meet regularly to undertake tangible steps to bring us back to ourselves. To some, it will be the first time they see themselves. To others it will make sense and be the truth they have always known about themselves.
The path we embark on individually, in the collective of the supportive group of people is to self-empower through embodiment of practices discussed.
Those practices we embody in the regular sessions include:
intention setting
true north: values, drivers
developing deeper self-trust, guiding light
recognising self-betrayal and ceasing it
implementing more self-responsibility in thoughts and actions (doesn’t mean doing it on your own)
recognising and naming emotions experienced
recognising situations in which thoughts are destructive and reframing them
seeing own thoughts, emotions, behaviours as not ‘I’ and becoming the observer
finding courage to follow own path
integrating own shadow
embracing self-love and self-worth
compassion and kindness from within
Join the next free session, where we will discuss and set Intentions. Places are limited to 10.