We undertake multiple roles in society every day. Those roles play out differently depending on situations and demands. We are all also driven by our unique values which inform our actions including behaviors towards others and communication styles.
Aside from internal drivers, we are also triggered by others’ cues, and their styles which evoke reactions and invite specific responses. Sometimes the response is less than desirable and only afterwards, may we feel annoyed with our own reaction. All of this is driven by our universal need to gain energy, feel valued and connect.
If you are interested in understanding how people relate, what helps them connect with one another and how they get triggered, then you may like to join this session.
In this session we will discuss:
What impacts the way we communicate
Roles we get triggered into – control dramas
Where the desire to control others comes from
How to eliminate or minimize control
How interactions are transactions or manipulation
Alternative ways to gain control, energy, and connection
Cost: $ 33 (incl GST)